ERP Software
The purpose of backup is to solve your daily operation issues like, your PC or its operating system crashed, you may have deleted a file or disaster like fire, flood occurred.
No matter what you’re protecting, there are three main types of backup:
Full Backup. This is the first backup of a system and it captures everything, including the operating system and system settings. It takes time to complete and require a lot of space
Incremental Backup. This backup is copying of only data that has changed since your last full backup operation. It is faster and require less storage as compared to Full Backup.
Differential Backup – It captures only the changes between a system’s current state and its last full backup. While much faster than a full backup, differential backups take up more space than incremental backups and requires at least two backup files for recovery.
To make backup right, you can consider 321 backup rule
The 321 backup rule is important because it introduces redundancy into your backup strategy. A catastrophic fire might destroy your IT infrastructure and all your paper records, but you still have everything backed up in the cloud. Following the 3-2-1 approach doesn’t mean you need multiple backup solutions. The best solutions provide both local and cloud backup capabilities and should be able to handle whatever you throw at them.
Finally, when you are choosing backup solution, you need to make sure the solution can truly protect your data against ransomware.
For our existing customers, you can consider our backup solution so that you don’t need to worry about who, when and how to do backup. Just call us and ask for special discount offer.
Lastly, For Moneyworks Accounting Software, it has backup feature, you can perform data backup manually. Make sure you backup to internal drive and external media like portable hard disk or cloud. Watch this video to learn how to backup moneyworks data or subscribe to our Youtube Channel to learn more about Moneyworks